We Built A Solar Powered Windmill

Ryan Slade
Nov 2, 2020


My son and build a lot of things. He loves building and thinks like an engineer. Recently we built a solar-powered pizza box oven and a paper tower which we put on a vibration plate to simulate an earthquake.

A couple of times a week he comes home from school and shows me his drawings, says he drew something for us to build… it's so cute!

Anyway, this project was a cool one because he “dreamed” about a solar-powered robot.

We made the robot, but it didn't work too well, so we switch to a windmill.

The kit we used was from Amazon and cheap. It only had 32 pieces, which as a dad…I liked bc I don't like to have random pieces all over because he likes taking things apart too.




Ryan Slade
Ryan Slade

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